Monday, December 28, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009

the faulkner pumpkin patch is the #1 pumpkin patch in the world and i plan to tell you just why. for starters, the trebuchet is the cherry on top if you can imagine that. getting there prior to closing is key we discovered this year. ...and as we entered at a nominal fee of just $3 a ticket, a non-smile that was somehow more comforting & casual than a smile-smile from an elderly fellow taking tickets, and a faulkner farm sticker we were certain that all of our pumpkin patch dreams were about to come true! we started with the hay-maze (pictured here) ...a labyrinth of bails where tiny tots went absolutely berserk squealing with glee whether or not they chose poorly or wisely. the free hay rides beckoned us so we took front row seats of the giant tractor (a first for the memorized gabel). the tour of the grounds detailing george & roda's 1886 victorian house and big red barn was just...plain swell... and i actually mean that. from there we perused the animal pens and petting zoo complete with frisky turkeys and baby chick-chick-chickens. the big barn we walked through was converted into a pretty sweet gift shop (in both senses of the word). while strolling through the plant shop we stumbled upon a lovable "meow-meow" (oddly enough this is not just toddler-talk but how i've always referred to cats... strange as it is) and a very pleasant older lady who was volunteering and insisted gabel become the proud new owner of his very first plant! she handed the kid a pot of soil with a single succulent leaf on top and he clung to it all day... collecting rocks in it... tipping its contents in the pumpkin-wheel-barrow, and loving it to pieces. let's see... from there we took a closer look at the trebuchet which if you've inspected one is always impressive... and watched as people paid 5 bucks to chuck a pumpkin at a tower of cinder blocks and miss every time. finally we made our way into the splendor that is thee world's greatest pumpkin patch ever. there we deliberated for hours and hours and hours over dozens and dozens of different pumpkin varieties... it is after all the largest and most extensive patch on the west coast! well, i don't know that for sure... but i do know it's very cool. in the end mr. gabel adopted a Baby Boo, i purchased a Lady's Purse and the chef snagged a Fairytale Pumpkin. (duke's is a little mixed gourd of some sort.) we capped off the experience with a pony ride for the tot on a tired looking steed named skunk...
Saturday, October 17, 2009


Friday, September 25, 2009

- p.s. ferrets eat dog food so if at the end of your day you're looking for none other than your ferret check the outside closet... amid the kibble, the raw hides and handfuls of your undies.
Saturday, August 29, 2009

gimme a pool and a couple of plastic cups and i'm set for the day. you can keep your "swimmers" pull-ups and your midday nap. this bare bottom fancies being free and never tires. i'm gonna need some grapes and a popsicle at noon... you can hold the sandwich. slap some sunblock on me and set me loose. don't be surprised if i'm not in until dinner is served. try not to get in the way of my water pouring operation. it's a highly advanced system consisting of water and the two plastic cups i mentioned. toss me a couple of mixing bowls to up the ante on this advanced water pouring machine. ...dog bowls will suffice. if it's a strainer you're offering you have a very sick sense of humor.
- either grandparent's pool
- his own inflatable pool
- or the shoreline
Monday, August 3, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009
the water boy

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
the big bear... the 4th.

...as the moose chalk board in the kitchen read, " relax, laugh..." (and something that was changed to "hunt")... and relax and laugh we did. with billiards, foosball, wii games, hot tubing, movie watching, boggle battles, poker until the wee hours, and scrabble tourneys we went right to work doing which ever we pleased and polishing that off with a bunch of nothing but wine drinking & white russian sipping. you wanna talk grub... what a spread!!! you'd think we were on a forest cruise... though big bear's food blows any cruise ships food right out'a the water! melt in your mouth barbecued chicken with rick's hit from last year artichokes, chef's heavenly slow cooked brisket and baked beans, and of course hamburgers and dogs on the 4th. we had homemade sandie-cookies coming out our ears... and vanilla floats with chocolate syrup made by the soda fountain expert himself! our stomachs were on a vacation of their own. there were hills to be conquered and hikes to be had. kayaking was in order for some... books to be read by others. ...naps to be snoozed, and dogs to be pottied. ...and who could forget our skit in honor of the 4th of july? not i. no not i. and to those who wish they could... just smile, thank God for back lighting, and chalk it up to the vino! cheers!
... and to bill and sandra, thanks for an amazing time!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
summertime would be perfect
Sunday, June 7, 2009
it's my party...

well world... we have and announcement to make: we have a one year old toddling amongst us! you heard me right. mr. gabriel guard's 1st grandiose birthday was a grandiose success! ...with football, competitive rounds of volleyball, pin the tail on the very adorable donkey from a shop called B on Main, bobbing for apples, pony rides galore, a tent, lounge chairs, grandma goldie's potato salad and heavenly baked beans, thee world's finest 1st cake made by thee world's finest cake decorator grandpa goldie, giant hot dogs, corn on the amazing cob, chicky sandwiches, margaritas flowing a'plenty, pacificos (specifically pacificos), and obnoxious amounts of fun. many gracious thank you's to all who made it possible and to those who attended.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
it's a bird, it's a plane...
Friday, May 22, 2009
tai chi in the park
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
he is risen!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
big, fat birthdays

Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
You Don't Mess With The Gabel

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
breaking news!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
"burnin' down the house"

Saturday, March 7, 2009
bath time for baba

cuttin' loose