summer is in full swing... the 4th has come and gone but our celebration of independence continues. we enjoyed an airshow at the oxnard airport... world war II vets relayed their war stories and old war planes growled through the air. one teary eye later i was silently commemorating our current brave troops over seas.
Iraq War Facts, Results & Statistics at Sept 1, 2009 (according to: Axis of Logic)
*Troops in Iraq - Total 130,000 U.S. troops, and 500 troops from the UK. Troops from all other nations have been withdrawn.
*U.S. Troop Casualties - 4,325 US troops
*US Troops Wounded - 31,430, 20% of which are serious brain or spinal injuries (total excludes psychological injuries)
*Private Contractors in Iraq, Working in Support of US Army Troops - More than 180,000 in August 2007
*Journalists killed - 139, 93 by murder and 46 by acts of war
Citizens of iraq should not be forgotten but commemorated as well:
*Iraqi Police and Soldiers Killed - 9,126
*Iraqi Civilians Killed, Estimated -50,000 to over 100,000, but may be much higher. Some informed estimates place Iraqi civilian casualities at over 600,000.
*Non-U.S. Troop Casualties - Total 316
more facts and stats can be found at: http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_56722.shtml
(this information does not include casualties of war in surrounding countries.)
we have to pray daily for our troops, their families and those caught in the crossfire. may God bring peace to the middle east, directing the path of all world leaders, and may His will be done. let's not waste a second of our privileged freedom...
let's live meaningful lives... & let's make a difference!