
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

the big bear... the 4th. the moose chalk board in the kitchen read, " relax, laugh..." (and something that was changed to "hunt")... and relax and laugh we did. with billiards, foosball, wii games, hot tubing, movie watching, boggle battles, poker until the wee hours, and scrabble tourneys we went right to work doing which ever we pleased and polishing that off with a bunch of nothing but wine drinking & white russian sipping. you wanna talk grub... what a spread!!! you'd think we were on a forest cruise... though big bear's food blows any cruise ships food right out'a the water! melt in your mouth barbecued chicken with rick's hit from last year artichokes, chef's heavenly slow cooked brisket and baked beans, and of course hamburgers and dogs on the 4th. we had homemade sandie-cookies coming out our ears... and vanilla floats with chocolate syrup made by the soda fountain expert himself! our stomachs were on a vacation of their own. there were hills to be conquered and hikes to be had. kayaking was in order for some... books to be read by others. ...naps to be snoozed, and dogs to be pottied. ...and who could forget our skit in honor of the 4th of july? not i. no not i. and to those who wish they could... just smile, thank God for back lighting, and chalk it up to the vino! cheers!

... and to bill and sandra, thanks for an amazing time!