
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

bar cart mania

what's not to love.  or in my crazy world... what's not to obsess over.  i have found that i adore bar carts.  now when mentioning this to the chef he claimed he adored them first, and he almost has a leg to stand on in that argument since he has had a certain one in mind for a certain place in a certain house ever since the day i met him.  (i was willing to be fair.  i acknowledged his decanter fixation but it wasn't good enough for him.  he clearly wouldn't go down that easily.)  ok so i resigned from the "i loved bar carts 1st" party and i joined the present camp, "but i loved bar carts 1st!"  in any event we are of equal minds and can from this point forward hunt hand in hand for that ever elusive, ever adored carrier of the booze.