
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

photo op:

photo cred: Mister

time to say goodbye

it only took two years of convincing and the good Lord working some major magic... i found myself speedily throwing all of our belonings into boxes in a matter of days and saying some real fastest farewells.  (the things we do for spidey's mom.)  We set up camp at D's mom and dad's and the race was on... viewing available OC rentals with great, great, mucho haste!  our God was leading our every step and we were totally reliant on Him.  He hooked us up with this amazing pad in fountain valley and we are love, love, mucho lovin' life!  we miss you ya good ol' o-town pad... but our new digs suit us juuust right and we can't look back now.  just ahead... our new life is about to begin!