in a crowded shelter... where somehow only You existed. you were a pitiful ball of nerves... not quite sitting, not quite standing... as we often recall... hovering... quivering... waiting patiently for us. ...and we were innately drawn to you of course... because you were ours... meant only for us that unsuspecting november day; you and your shaky legs clawing at tiled floors and wooden staircases, you and your worried cries at the end of corridors too perilous to venture. your sheer, devout love for us was your driving force to comply, to overcome your fears; relying on us completely as your domestic counsel. in turn we relied on you as our guide to the great outdoors; an unconventional perfect union. our spirits soared with yours just watching your boundless energy... plunging into duck filled ponds and raging rivers, dashing across ocean sprayed, seagull-filled shores... through mountains filled with dairy cows, snow powdered plains, and shady pine tree forests, through still meadows and quail-filled, yellow fields, lunging skyward over enormous rocky cliffs and leaping from unimaginable heights... you were our redemption from a plane world... our very thrill and our joy.

january 2005
march 2, 2002 - july 19th, 2012
-with you we had it all...-