before little gabriel came into this world he was known as The Great Bambino... (for obvious reasons... none of which have anything to do with the poor behavior of the actual Great Bambino mind you). ...and so he went from The Great Bambino to Bambi... and from Bambi to Bam-Bam... then Bam-Bam to Bams... Bams to Bambert... and finally Bambert to Lambert (not to mention the altered form... Bambertini!) ...and so it was... our litte squirt was known as Lambert for the time being and along with this nickname came the catchy little tune from that classic cartoon that to this day i could never forget. "La-a-a-ambert the sheepish lion... La-a-a-ambert there's no denying..."
check out this most adorable cartoon clip... it'll make you feel like a kid again!