life with a ferret is very unlike life without a ferret. for instance when searching for your toothbrush in the morning it wouldn't hurt to check the dog bowl in the backyard. when hunting for your other shoe try browsing the bathtub... yes the bathtub... under the inflatable winnie the pooh tub... might be the lucky winner of a nail polish hidden inside. ready to make a cake? need a mixing bowl? don't hesitate to head to the inflatable pool out back... you'll find one bobbing around with a rubber ducky inside. want a colander? check the planter... it's guaranteed to be doubling as a mud pie tin. want to read a book? check the laundry basket. in search of that really important piece of paper? head directly to the back of the computer desk... you'll find it safely lodged between the wall and the wood with a pair of kitchen tongs and 2 dog toys. in need of 4 nail files and 1 toddler's toothbrush? have you checked the spare package of toilet paper? that's right... you'll find a puncture through the plastic with a clear shot into a roll... & there you will find all four items. sunglasses: vegetable draw... remote: dog-toy basket... and camera: trashcan. jewelry bag and one boggle cube still gone missing. socks are always crammed beneath the screen door, that's a no-brainer. and when it's time to leave the house... don't forget your earpiece... it's in your brown dress shoes. oh... and your keys are in the printer and your phone is in the rice cooker.
this is no exaggeration i assure you.
so before considering a ferret be sure you can afford to spend a total of 3 hours a day searching for 90 percent of your possessions and only finding success 30 percent of the time.
- p.s. ferrets eat dog food so if at the end of your day you're looking for none other than your ferret check the outside closet... amid the kibble, the raw hides and handfuls of your undies.