gimme a pool and a couple of plastic cups and i'm set for the day. you can keep your "swimmers" pull-ups and your midday nap. this bare bottom fancies being free and never tires. i'm gonna need some grapes and a popsicle at noon... you can hold the sandwich. slap some sunblock on me and set me loose. don't be surprised if i'm not in until dinner is served. try not to get in the way of my water pouring operation. it's a highly advanced system consisting of water and the two plastic cups i mentioned. toss me a couple of mixing bowls to up the ante on this advanced water pouring machine. ...dog bowls will suffice. if it's a strainer you're offering you have a very sick sense of humor.
*where to find gabriel guard this summer*
- either grandparent's pool
- his own inflatable pool
- or the shoreline